Past event
Talk Title
Personalization in Human-Robot Interaction
Robots possess great potential to enhance the experiences of their users. However, every individual they engage with presents a unique set of requirements and preferences. In this talk, Dr Salomons will explore the concept of personalization in human-robot interaction, by presenting several strategies by which robots can tailor their interactions to personalize for the distinct needs of each user. Furthermore, she will delve into various practical applications wherein personalized robotics can significantly enrich the user experience, such as in tutoring and in long-term in-home robotic systems.
Speaker Bio – Dr Nicole Salomons
Dr Nicole Salomons is a Lecturer in Computing and I-X. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University. She is director of the Personal, Assistive and Intelligent Robotics Lab (PAIR Lab). Her research focuses on developing robots that shape human interactions in complex and dynamic environments throughout day-to-day tasks. She builds robotic systems that create user models and give personalized feedback for long-term skill acquisition. She regularly serves as program chair and a program committee member for the Human-Robot Interaction International Conference.
Time: 13.00 – 14.00
Date: Tuesday 28 May
Location: Hybrid Event | I-X Conference Room, Level 5
Translation and Innovation Hub (I-HUB)
Imperial White City Campus
84 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ
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