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QUAIL: Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

The impact of quantum information can be both constructive and destructive: one the one hand quantum parallelism offers unprecedented computational power; on the other hand it can be used to break cryptosystems. QUAIL is uniquely positioned to address both sides of quantum information science in a holistic approach, namely, not only harnessing the power of quantum computers for artificial intelligence, but also securing communications and computation for machine learning under the threat of quantum computing attacks in the post-quantum era.

Lattice-based cryptography is a highly active area of post-quantum cryptography research. Regular meetings to learn about current research in the field are held to keep up to date with developments in the field and encourage discourse with other researchers. Information for the next Lattice Coding & Crypto meeting is included on this page. 

Led by Dr Roberto Bondesan and Dr Cong Ling

Our research