Humans & AI
Artificial & Human Intelligence (Human AI)
We are at the dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence. The scope and scale of impact of AI is predicted to be more profound than any other period of technological, social and personal transformation in our history. AI has the potential to radically transform every industry and every society, including the very definitions of our identities. We believe that AI can help address the needs of humanity, in healthcare, in wellbeing and towards sustainable societies in general. However, to this end, AI must incorporate an understanding of what makes us humans tick — physiologically, neuroscientifically, cognitively and
We propose to capture real-world human behaviour that can drive Human AI research by tapping into the expertise gathered within I-X and the opportunity presented by the new campus. The White City campus presents the possibility of not only having conventional, indoor, sensorised living labs, but also to go beyond and treat the campus as a large indoor and outdoor living lab that can capture a diverse collection of our daily living activities, behaviours, and states. These can be collected through advanced technology, be it sensors, high-speed wireless communication networks, IoT devices, or self-reports through opt-in apps and interactive devices, and be stored anonymously in secure storage to protect the privacy of participants. The White City-wide living lab can also serve AI research beyond the examples above, such as making mass data available on power usage and allowing for experiments on smart power management systems that aim to adapt to human users, but also to nudge users towards more efficient energy use patterns, useful in smart cities and smart living research.
Led by Dr Aldo Faisal.