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I-X Research Presentations: Roberto Bondesan

Talk Title

Learning and Inference in the Quantum World

Talk Summary

Nature at the fundamental level can be described by quantum mechanics, and many of the scientifically and technologically relevant questions we want to answer – such as what the best drug is to cure a disease or what is the best catalyst to store renewable energy – require solving learning and inference problems in the quantum world. In this talk, my team and I will discuss how these problems differ from their classical counterparts and the work we are doing to tackle these questions.


Dr Roberto Bondesan, Štěpán Šmíd, and Viktor Ohanesian

Speaker Bio

Dr Roberto Bondesan is a senior lecturer at the department of Computing and I-X. His background is quantum physics and has worked for 4 years as an AI researcher in industry before joining Imperial. His interests are quantum computing and applications of machine learning to quantum physics.


Time: 15.30-16.30
Date: Thursday 3 October
Location: In Person | I-X Conference Room | Level 5
Translation and Innovation Hub (I-HUB)
Imperial White City Campus
84 Wood Lane
London W12 0BZ

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